A warm welcome in our dental practice in Muri bei Bern

Beautiful and healthy teeth for everyone. At any age. That's what we offer at our dental practice in Muri.

From children's dentistry to aesthetic treatment to dental prosthesis in age – we employ high-quality and careful dentistry for you, your children, your grandchildren and simply for the whole family.

With many years of experience, a lot of sensitivity and modern technology, we are here for you. We want you to be able to rely on your healthy teeth at every stage of life – feeling good every day and with every bite.

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Our values

What's important to us. Here in our dental practice near Bern.

Quality. Trust. Transparency. Personal touch. Honesty. Fairness.

Whatever we do for you – we have committed ourselves to these values. For us, it's not just lip service. Rather, it is exactly what distinguishes us and guides our daily actions for you, our patients. All this with full commitment and a firm belief in healthy, beautiful teeth.




Digitally made and an exact fit: that's our prosthesis

"Prosthesis"– at first, that sounds rather clumsy and a little cumbersome. Because it's very hard to imagine that anything can feel as natural as your own teeth.

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Dental health with our prostheses!

Of course we will do everything we can to make sure you need worry as little as possible about your teeth. To achieve this aim, we offer comprehensive preventive treatment in our practice in Muri bei Bern with check-ups, personal advice and an individual treatment concept. Following the idea of "preservation dentistry", we try to maintain your own teeth as long as possible.

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Firm and beautiful teeth – with high-quality implants in our dental practice near Bern

You're familiar with this: Young or old, you can only get a good firm bite if all your teeth are in the right position. Chew, bite or laugh – it's quality of life that's at stake here.

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Preventive dentistry near Bern

With our regular, individually adjusted and comprehensive tooth cleaning and preventive treatment concept, we are able to help prevent gum disease (periodontal disease) due to plaque and dental calculus weiterlesen

Preserving dentistry

Whether you want a modern synthetic filling or a high-quality ceramic filling – we make use of all options for long-term maintenance of your healthy, naturally beautiful teeth. weiterlesen


Based on a well-founded, step by step treatment concept, we will effectively treat gum inflammation to protect against receding gums and tooth loss. weiterlesen


Using modern root canal treatment methods, we are able to preserve for the long term inflamed teeth, traumatically damaged teeth or teeth already dead at the roots. weiterlesen


With artificial tooth roots made of titanium by Straumann and SPI Thommen Medical we are able to replace lost teeth and thereby ensure firm, stable dental prosthetics. weiterlesen


Fillings, inlays and onlays or veneers in the front teeth area – whatever the best solution for you, we always rely on minimally invasive treatment methods, high-quality materials and aesthetic results for long-term satisfaction. weiterlesen

Aesthetic dentistry

To allow you to show off your best smile, we make use of the variety of treatment options possible today. weiterlesen

Orthodontics in the vicinity of Worb

Considerate, completely individual, and if required in close cooperation with orthodontic specialists, we correct wrongly positioned teeth. If needed, we use the invisible dental splints by Invisalign®, because we have been certified by Invisalign® for 10 years. weiterlesen

Children's dentist near Bern

For healthy teeth right from the start, we treat our little patients with care and plenty of sensitivity, to make sure that we remove their fears as much as possible. If necessary, we also use nitrous oxide sedation or in rare cases a general anaesthetic. weiterlesen

Our team

Dr. Michel Gigandet

Dr. Thomas Engel

Barbara Scherwey

Gaby Jansen

Jennifer Dütsch

Melanie Hofer

Michelle Staudenmann

Sandra Drincic

Laura Pena

Jasmin Hodler

Joana Moser